sexta-feira, abril 17, 2009

Me pillaste

Aquí un articulito sobre una ciudad,Bohmten, sin semáforos, ni señales de circulación donde el tráfico es regido por el buenhacer y la cabeciña de los conductores, porque las calles, amigos y amigas, son para los peatones.

Y abajo una letra muy propicia para mi reciente estado de superviviente a un atropello por un Peugeout -o como se escriba- 206.

Walk by the man who sings a song to the streetlightsand turns out everybody claps,
they don’t believe in cabs
they don’t believe in cabs, they don’t believe in cabs.
And they all go wild, but they walk instead
they all go wild, but they walk instead.
Now, talk to the man who’s laying down by the door of a bank
and people don’t rely on the traffic lights,
they don’t believe in lightsthey don’t believe in lights, they don’t belive it’s… a confusing situation they all get run over in petrol stations but they rock.
And there are faces on the six AM working crowds
who take the subway from their homes to their lonely nights.